

I'm really not one for resolutions.  I do, however, like goals.  I have a few of them this year.

This blog is like another one of my children.  But as I have another very small child and one larger but very energetic child this one is really the one that's getting the raw deal.

I've only ever blogged about 50% of what I've worked on or ideas I've had.  So I'm setting a goal to blog more.  But only if there is substance.

This year I had WAY too many "look at this pretty thing I made" and not nearly enough "this is how you make this pretty thing".  In my former life I was a corporate trainer.  One of the things I loved about that profession is the ability I had to organize and pass on knowledge.  That is what this blog was originally intended for.

I have some tutorials and informationals set up in my head for the coming weeks.

So here is my personal and professional goals for this year.  (cause really, it's the same thing).  So, you know, they are there and real and such.

1. create and blog more projects with purpose and substance
2. create an organized work flow to make my blogging experience more rewarding and less time consuming
3. learn more about design and color
4. work out and eat better for my health and sanity

Of course these can all be broken down to much more specific bullet points but I think that covers everything.

Goodbye 2013, Helllllllooooo 2014.  Happy New Year from us.

Let's do this.

(Jeff, Violet, Teresa and Wes)

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