
Embroidery Floss as Yarn

I've been really interested in making statement jewelry with yarn.  I've also been obsessed with chevron and ripple stitches ( like most of the craft world at the moment).  

The problem I'm seeing with the yarn that is at my disposal is that there is no gradient of color.  It's dark blue, light blue.  Nothing smooth.  However, embroidery floss has this beautiful gradient.  

Tonight I gave it a try.

I used this pattern from my handy dandy crochet stitch bible.  The difference is that I add 3 dc.  So it went more like this :  VIIII^^IIIIVVIIII^^IIIIV.  Get it?

I used a 1.9 hook.  justalilguy.

I'm not sure what to do with him.  Or even to use him for anything.  I redid the pattern a few times and it still just isn't looking right to me.  When its this small its hard for me to see.  It's 3 inches by 1.5 inches.  Smaller than a business card.

It seems that I need to make some swatches......


I couldn't stop feeling like I didn't accomplish this idea today.  So I made this one.  The colors!

It's weird how one side of the circle is bigger on the inner and outer but the middle seems fine.  Hmmmm.

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